@samu's profile

my profile☆ ★

chandler/nicknames her/he/it/fox/sie/xe
18 yrs
9w8 entp
eng / small fr
scorpio ☉ capricorn ☾ virgo ↑

/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ ! yesyesyes
fav interests, music, source media, tonetags, mlp, fnaf, kpop, adult cartoons, pressure (roblox)
>︿<? no thanks
forcing your ship on2 me (esp if it's with my source), those skk shippers, anti-selfdiagnose (WITH research), mori (BSD) fans. sorry

123 | 123 | @ 123

lovelovelove !
• fav interests
• mlp & infection aus
• hannibal
• bungou stay dogs
• family guy
• american dad
• stardew valley (#1 alex fan)

@samu's profile

fakeclaim peoples disorders (ex. telling someone they dont have MDD), hate rarepairs, prolife, actively suicidal, if you say delulu unironically (it's annoying), -17 or 23+ , basic dni
! if you want to be close friends ask for cf boundaries !

I have DID, BPD, BD, GAD, MDD, and AUDHD, I say slurs I can reclaim, I have slightly niche dislikes and fears, im a stoner, PLEASE communicate with me and tell me to stfu if i need to or make you upset.

@samu's profile

primary sourcessub sourcescoping/episodic
Dazai Osamu | BSDXiao | GILuna | MLP - C
Crush | CherryCrushSherlock Holmes | YuumoriTempest Shadow | MLP - C
Furina/Focalors | GIMichael Afton | All MediaCapper | MLP - C
Kafka | HSRYae MIko | GIMangle | FNAF - C
Hawks | MHAAlbedo | GIFuntime Foxy | FNAF - C
Samekichi | WATGBSAnko Usuisu | COTNVi | Arcane - E
oooWill Graham | HannibalLolbit | FNAF - C
ooooooFyodor | BSD - E
ooooooRainbine | EoI - C
ooooooC!Wilbur | DSMP - E
ooooooUkei Kaito | NNY - E
ooooooPainter | Pressure - C

◟ ⟢ Please know these are introjectism sources, NOT IRLS!

crowmy closest friend. seriously. I've known them since 7th grade and I can't believe we've watched each other get into COLLEGE!!! we've been through so much together. we might be opposites on a lot of things but genuinely I'll never have a bond as strong as me and crow's. whenever i feel like the world is ending i know they'll be there. whenever I'm in any sort of bad spot they're always there. not to mention the amount of fun we have together when we do hangout
plutoanother extremely close friend of mine. I think we met in 6th grade? i'd say roughly around that time!! they're an extremely close friend of mine who's also always been there for me. pluto was my first autism buddy since before i even knew i was autistic. i think they brought it out of me actually i'd say i was pretty normal before we met /j. ily girl. you will be burried in my pyramid when i die.
maxan AMAZING person that i've known also since 6th grade i believe. max is extremely smart but also really dumb /aff. I love talking to him as he never fails to make me laugh but also never fails to give me genuine and good advice whenever I may need it. he's DEFINITELY seen me at my cringiest and somehow still stayed. idk how but thanks gng ily. also my fav het
gianaermmmm she's never going to see this but its ok <3 giana is an amazing person. I met her in 10th grade art class and it feels like I've known her soooo much longer than that. It feels like I've known her for years. I've been so happy watching how much she's grown in these 4 years of knowing each other, she's so strong and such an amazing person.
alyssaI also met alyssa in 10th grade!! she's been an amazing friend to me from the start and has always been a huge support beam for me. i am never afraid of experiencing any sort of judgement when I am around her besides being bullied RELENTLESSLY!!! all jokes she is genuinely an amazing support with no genuine judgement. We got a lot closer during 11th grade and she's one of my closest friends now. I call her practically daily and it's never a dull moment.
will/nova/samSTOP STEALING MY HYPERFIXATIONS AND CHANGING UR SYS NAME !!! /silly. Very good friend of mine :3 friend of a few years now and honestly I feel like we didn't talk a whole lot until recently and im really happy we talk a lot more than we used to <33 ur a bully and mean to me but ily girl and i love talking to you basically daily. thanks for always being patient with me too you've always shown me nothing but understanding and care.
ezra/jamieI haven't gotten very close with him just yet, but nonetheless I'm happy we met even if our system was sketpical at first (sorry girl). I really look forward to talking to him more and hopefully continuing to build a friendship. he was a BIG stepping stone to moving on from the ex that shant be named and for that I'm grateful and want to get to know him more. I already think he's a good friend even with the small connection we have now :]
andreaprobably never going to see this also BUT. a good college friend of mine !! i met her because she saw my ateez keychains and we went from there. she's rlly funny too but also god clocks me everytime we get a chance to hangout </3 i'm hoping we can hangout more and hopefully off campus and make fun memories together. i met her after having a very rough time and i think she's a walking sign that everything is gonne work out for me. ily girl
marshallSORRY forgot to add you :( anyways umm stupid ass house cat (atsushi). he's really dramatic and stupid but also really funny. also my son i guess since im dazai or whatever. in all seriousness even though i ghost him for months he still makes me laugh or sigh really loud.